News from K2 girls and boys
They are very busy!
The K2 children have settled into the new term very well. They have taken the move to virtual learning in their stride and have shown great enthusiasm and engagement. The lovely K2s have now completed and revised all their Jolly Phonics sounds and are now practising, and becoming more confident with, their blended sounds and reading.
K2 are enjoying getting to work with their K1 friends for Irish and are having great fun expanding their vocabulary. In SESE the children have been learning all about Arctic animals and made animal masks to wear to live class.
In Maths their number bonds and time skills are very impressive and they have very much enjoyed participating in the excellent languages, P.E., music and art lessons!
K2 have had great fun in their chatterbox groups this week with Ms Annmarie!
Overall it’s been a great week for K2!