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St Andrew's College Dublin St Andrew's College Dublin


All items of regulation uniform listed below may be obtained only from Uniformity, 47/48 Cross Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.  Tel:  01 230 0501. 

  • Senior School
  • Please click here for St Andrew's College Senior School items stocked by Uniformity.
  • Junior School
  • Please click here for St Andrew's College Junior School items stocked by Uniformity.

Regulation Daywear


  • Regulation navy outdoor coat
  • Regulation grey skirt*
  • Regulation white (revere type) blouse
  • Regulation crested navy-blue V-neck pullover
  • Plain black leather shoes (max heel height 2")
  • Grey tights for winter (optional)
  • Mid-grey socks
  • Regulation College Scarf (optional)
  • Regulation College Hoody 

Fifth & Sixth Year Only

  • Regulation Senior College crested navy V-neck pullover


  • Regulation navy outdoor coat
  • Regulation mid-grey trousers
  • Plain white shirt
  • Regulation crested navy-blue V-neck pullover
  • Black leather shoes
  • Regulation College tie
  • Mid-grey socks
  • Regulation College scarf (optional)
  • Regulation College Hoody 

Fifth & Sixth Year Only

  • Regulation Senior College crested navy V-neck pullover
  • Regulation senior tie


*    Optional - Regulation grey trousers (available only from Uniformity)
**  Optional - Regulation College Hoody - only to be worn under regulation jacket.

 It is important that students maintain the highest standards of appearance in class, inside the school grounds and when travelling to and from school. The following section sets out the regulations in this area:   

College Uniform

  • Full uniform must be worn when travelling to or from the College.  Only in special cases will permission be given to students to change out of uniform.
  • Uniforms should be kept clean and tidy and in good repair.
  • All items of equipment and clothing should be clearly marked with the owner's name. 
  • Students are not permitted to borrow items of clothing from other students without the express consent of the owner.
  • When found, items of clothing belonging to others must be handed into Reception immediately.
  • Students found in possession of items of uniform which do not belong to them, without a satisfactory explanation of how they have acquired them, risk being suspected of theft.
  • Only the specified regulation navy outdoor garment may be worn by students in uniform.
  • A combination of sports and regular uniform is not permitted.
  • The regulation College tracksuit is the only tracksuit which may be worn except for students taking part in after school sports practice and Transition Year hill-walking.
  • Sports shoes must not be worn with the regular uniform when travelling to or from school.
  • Requests for uniform exemptions on medical grounds must be accompanied by written explanations from the relevant health professionals.  Notes from parents to explain that shoes were lost or left in changing rooms are not acceptable.
  • Only plain white T-shirts or vests are permitted as undershirts.
  • Wearing of the College blazer is no longer compulsory in the Senior School. In special circumstances, where students are required to represent St. Andrew's at an official function, blazers will be provided by the College. 
  • The College reserves the right to decide whether or not:
    • Students are wearing the regulation uniform; and
    • Students are wearing the regulation uniform in an acceptable manner.
  • It is the responsibility of students to report uniform irregularities to their Form Teacher at registration. Students who do not comply with uniform regulations and have not reported to their Form Teacher will be subject to disciplinary action. 
  • There may be times when, for some reason, a student is unable to wear the appropriate uniform.  In such cases the student must provide a note explaining why the uniform regulations are not being observed.  Failure to do so may result in a uniform infringement sanction.  Retrospective notes are not acceptable.
  • In cases where the College decides that a student's uniform is unsatisfactory, the student may be sent home until compliance with uniform regulations is achieved. The non-uniform item(s) may be confiscated.
  • Every effort will be made to contact parents prior to sending a student home.  In the event of our being unable to contact parents, students will be suspended internally until the end of the school day.  Consequently, parents should try to ensure that their children come to school properly dressed in uniform. 


Hair should be neat, tidy and properly maintained. The College reserves the right to decide whether a particular hairstyle is acceptable or not. If a student's hairstyle is deemed unacceptable the student will be sent home once the parents have been contacted.


The wearing of jewellery should be viewed in the context of the college policy of requiring a high standard of appearance at all times. The wearing of ostentatious jewellery is unacceptable. The College reserves the right to decide if certain forms of jewellery are acceptable or not. If some form or forms of jewellery are deemed unacceptable they must be removed.  Should students persist in wearing unacceptable jewellery they may be sent home or suspended until the matter is satisfactorily resolved.


Facial piercings including nose and eyebrow piercings are not permitted and students will be required to remove them.

Regulations Relating to the Specification and Wearing of College Uniform

The College Scarf
The official regulation College scarf is the only scarf which may be worn by students in conjunction with college uniform.

The Sports Uniform
A combination of sports and regular uniforms is not permitted. Students returning home from sports activities must wear the official sports uniform, tracksuit or normal school uniform.

The College Tracksuit
The regulation college tracksuit is the only tracksuit which may be worn when students are representing the school, taking part in Fourth Year outdoor pursuits or travelling to or from school in sports uniform.

Sports shoes must not be worn with the regular uniform when travelling to or from school.

Only plain white T-shirts or vests are permitted as undershirts.

The regulation Navy Outdoor Garment
Only the specified regulation navy outdoor garment may be worn in conjunction with school uniform when travelling to or  from school.

Regulation College Hoody
This garment is not a substitute for the outdoor garment. It may only be worn to supplement the outdoor garment on cold days and must be worn under the regulation outdoor garment.

Girl's Regulation Trousers
Uniformity will supply grey trousers for those girls who wish to wear them. No other grey trousers will be acceptable.