Technical Graphics and Design and Communication Graphics
Subject Leader: Mr Dave Eluk
Subject Teachers | Contact |
Mr Eluk | |
Mr Shevlin | |
The DCG, Technical Graphics and Solidworks (CAD) courses are set up in a way to help nurture the students' spatial awareness, problem solving ability and imagination to produce precise drawings of objects in everyday life as well as designing solutions to problems they see in the world around them.
At the end of the course pupils will be able to portray their ideas neatly in well-proportioned sketches which are accurately dimensioned.
During the course they will also learn how to use 3D parametric modelling software. This is a newer type of CAD (computer aided design) software where students will be making 3D computer models that are visually stunning as well as extremely accurate. Many students find this the best part of their school work.
Many people will remember the days when Technical Graphics was called Mechanical Drawing. This involved the arduous task of trying to remember and reproduce numerous wood joints and other manufacturing objects and designs. It was seen as an extremely difficult subject and was aimed at students who were going to enter a trade in the future.
With the introduction of Technical Graphics the emphasis is more on everyday life and objects that are easily recognisable by students studying the subject. More visualisation tasks are included and it brings the relevance of the subject closer to the student.
The introduction of CAD software and the benefits it creates were also entered into the subject and it has become part of the project based work of the senior cycle DCG.
Technical Graphics
This is a Junior Certificate subject of skill and precision. It teaches neatness and accuracy in drawing and allows students to gain a solid working understanding of the vast array of visual information in this increasingly technological world of ours. The course provides a unique range of skills and techniques at junior cycle level and is a foundation course for senior cycle Design and Communication Graphics (DCG). The course will also act as a contributing discipline to all technology-based subjects and to any subject which uses graphics and/or cognitive functions.
Solidworks (CAD)
Computer-Aided Design is taught in Transition Year. This is precision drawing on computer as used in many professions such as architecture, engineering and design.
Design & Communication Graphics
This Leaving Certificate subject was introduced in September 2007 to replace Technical Drawing. This course will prove extremely beneficial to students contemplating a career in architecture, design or engineering. It follows on from Technical Graphics at Junior Certificate level. It is beneficial if Technical Graphics has been studied before attempting the course. As the name implies, DCG contains a design element as well as showing the student how to use graphics or drawing as a means of communicating ideas. In addition to completing work using traditional pencil and paper techniques, lots of work is done on computer using Solidworks, a CAD software programme. This new course is assessed by a three-hour exam at the end of Sixth Year and also by a design project which will entail approximately 40 hours of in-class time during Sixth Year.
Further information can be obtained here.
Here are some examples of our students' work, which achieved Grade A or H1 at Leaving Certificate Higher Level: